Sur jalsaghar
Un nouveau CD, une initiative de la claveciniste Vivienne Spiteri
Chroniques sur la création musicale
Claudine Jacques : musicologue. Autres infos sur :
Un nouveau CD, une initiative de la claveciniste Vivienne Spiteri
Three authors comment three works (among which a premiere) by Isabelle Panneton, recently performed by the Trio Fibonacci: afterwards, they each comment on their comments.
About Maxime Goulet’s new work, « Toute une journée ».
On David Adamcyk’s new work, “Double Concerto”.
On the forthcoming creation Au cœur du son de Serge Arcuri, heard in the context of the concert Les cinq As of the ECM+ (May 4th, Pierre-Mercure hall, Montreal).
Around Petar Klanac’s new work, “Variations”
The Montreal Symphony Orchestra and the Metropolitan Orchestra present back to back to the Montreal public two orchestral creations (!) by Denys Bouliane. A Prelude / Postlude about these events.
Alain Trudel was right to emphasize, at the beginning of the concert, the thematic links uniting the three works on the concert program: love and romanticism. Thus, between Tchaikovsky’s fantasy-overture Roméo and Juliette, which is well-known, and the piano concerto No. 4 by André Mathieu, permeated by Rachmaninoff’s predominant influence, comes En amour en hiver,…
Lire la suite “A remarquable collaboration, a clear and coherent result” »
On September 24th, in the course of its live@CIRMMT series, the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Media and Technology (CIRMMT) featured pianist Eve Egoyan and visual artist David Rokeby. Both artists, hailing from Toronto, presented Surface Tension, a collaborative work for disklavier and interative video exploring various avenues as regard music-image interactions. On the stage,…
From the beginning, in 2007, a common view united composer Tim Brady and the new conductor of the Orchestre Symphonique de Laval (OSL), Alain Trudel: the creation of new music is not in itself problematic. Certainly, some works appear less easily accessible than others but that is not the reason why they are inaccessible to…
Lire la suite “En amour en hiver : when Tim Brady meets Michel Rivard” »